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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

30 Weeks Pregnant

H and I started our childbirth classes this evening. They are 2 hours long for 5 weeks. Tonight we mostly discussed relaxation and exercises the mom can do. A lot of what there is to go over I've learned from either the baby book or from But it doesn't hurt to go over things with a professional. We definitely need to figure out our birth plan. I really want to know what H will be comfortable with.

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: At my appt last week I'm up 3lbs from my weight as of Nov. 3rd (about 6 weeks pg).
How big is baby? From weeks 29-32 he's the size of a squash.

Maternity clothes: Still not needed! But I am thinking of buying the BeBand from Target.
Stretch marks: I have some small red ones that are at the tops of existing stretch marks that have gone white. I'm putting the cocoa butter on them because I don't want them to get worse!
Sleep: Eh. I miss a good night's sleep. I wake up numerous times to pee, and change position. Have to move to get rid of specific aches. Only 10 weeks left of these aches.
Movement: He has active times and sleepy times. Daddy has gotten to feel him a few more times.
Food cravings: Salads. I guess that's good that he wants healthy stuff!
Food aversions: Nothing specific
Belly button: It's coming out a bit more. I'd love for it to pop out!
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower on May 1st.
Weekly joy: Not baby related, but we just got a brand new printer/copier/scanner. I'm enjoying having a printer again! We got this one:

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