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Monday, December 28, 2009

14 Week Appointment

So I saw the doctor today. Can't believe it's been 4 weeks since I saw her last. They checked my weight and I'm down 4lbs since that last appointment, and 10 lbs since the beginning of November. They seemed a little concerned, but I'm not. I know Baby Rebel is getting what they need, and 10lbs isn't a lot if you knew how much I weigh.

My blood pressure was normal, which is a relief. The only other thing I did while there was get to listen to the heartbeat with a Doppler. She found the heartbeat right away, and it was high 150s-low 160s, so very good. I had my cell phone with me, so I recorded about 30 seconds of the heartbeat. This way Tim and my family can hear it, since my family Christmas is this weekend.

I also discussed some of my symptoms with the doctor. I told her about the fever I had on the 15th. I told her about the headaches I was getting before entering the 2nd trimester. The one thing I mentioned that I wasn't sure if it was relevant was a pain I've been getting towards the top of my butt on the right side. It is lower than my "lower back", and I really only notice it when walking. When I told Dr. Klyn she said it was normal. Ok, that means I have to live with it.

This morning while getting ready I drank a bit of water to take my vitamin, and while waiting for my toast to finish Baby Rebel decided they didn't like the water and made me throw it up! Luckily my toast stayed down fine. It seems the throwing up will continue in the 2nd trimester, although it is only on an empty stomach.

I go back in 4 weeks. Dr. Klyn said they will call me to schedule the big ultrasound (ie. the gender ultrasound). I was hoping to know today the date we would find out the gender. I guess we have to go to the hospital for the ultrasound. Here's to hoping they call soon!

Update- Just got the call from the doctor's office. Big u/s is set for February 1st! Just over a month till we know whether Baby Rebel is a boy or girl!!! YAY!


  1. I am dying to find out what I am having...1st week of Feb. :-)

  2. I can't believe you're 14 weeks already!

  3. I'm glad things are going good, Dannielle. I saw your picture, and you and I look to weight about the same, though you look to be taller then me. My doc keeps asking me when I want to have kids. And keeps warning me that I should lose about 100 pounds before even considering having a baby. The last time I was at the doctor, over a year ago, I left totally depressed. Not that I'm trying to get pregnant. We are still undecided, but if it happens, it happens.
