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Thursday, March 31, 2011

1/4 of the year gone, 11 in '11 check-in

So since the first 3 months are over with for the year, I thought I'd do a check and see how I'm coming on my list.  Make myself more accountable this way.  I've chosen the items from the list that I've managed to work on.  Everything else will take some more time. 

~For Baby Rebel to have an awesome checkup with his specialist on February 10th.  He'll have another u/s on his liver to make sure the hemangioma on it is still gone.  I'm very hopeful that that appointment will be the last time we have to visit!
This check-up wasn't 100% successful.  The ultrasound on his liver showed that the hemangioma is completely gone (which it was at the last u/s), and hasn't returned since he went off the meds.  However, the radiologist discovered an A/V fistula.  The specialist that we had been seeing for the hemangiomas will also be handling this.  So far there is no treatment.  We are in a wait and see until another u/s is done in May.  This isn't serious, but can require intervention. 
This is a photo from his 9-month photo shoot. 

~Update my 101 in 1001, and see what I stand with accomplishing that.  My finish date is March 14, 2012, so I still have some time to work on the list.  
 I have made an effort on this.  I went through my list and found things that I had accomplished unknowingly.  I'm slowly updating my blog with my accomplishments.  I'm also working on revamping my list to determine things that I don't have time to do, and come up with new things.  

~Just enjoy everyday with H and Baby Rebel.  Time is flying and I can't believe that in 8 days I'll have a 7 month old.  So I want to cherish every moment with my 2 guys and make the most of our time as a family of 3.  
 I love being a mom, and I'm even happier that I am able to stay home with my little man.  I love getting to see him grow, and how quickly little things change.  Like how in 2 days he has managed to learn how to get up on his knees using the coffee table, and even pulled himself up to standing using his walker.  Amazing!!   And I enjoy the quiet evenings with my husband.  Few that they are, they are special.

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